Thursday, April 21, 2011

Barclay Solidarité Bumirejo - Day 3 - fertilizer and Plants

La dernière dépense fut l'achat de fertilisant et de jeunes plants. Pour booster les plantations de "snake fruits" et fournir quelques végétaux aux habitants. Certains ont pu commencer il y a plusieurs mois, à planter des légumes. Aujourd'hui ils récoltent...

The last expence was the fertilizer and young plants. To boost the snake fruits culture and provide some vegetables to the villagers. Some of them started to grow vegetables several mounths ago. they harvest today...

Fertilisant organique

Fertilisant chimique

Plan de végétaux

1 comment:

Sessfertilizer Man said...

Fertilizers are good for plants.They help the plants absorb nutrients faster and increase it's productivity over time.The best fertilizer i think are for plants is organic fertilizers.Even though they might pass on their benefits slowly,they heavily contribute to populating.Nice post man and You can check out my page by viewing my profit on your followers list. You should implement blogger's follower widget too.Like me,some people don't use face book.