L'équipe complète:
Since the beginning of my collaboration with the people of Bumirejo, a group of volunteers was formed. They were wonderful. Courageous, always close. They were even there when it was me who needed help. Always.
I salute them here.
The full team:
I salute them here.
The full team:
Mas Ngadimin. He joined us very soon, and the begining happened with them both.
Mas Arifin Noor. The third to join. Very concerned and active. He is the one who speaks english and communicate via facebook.
Mas Rosyid. The chief of Bumirejo. A very "silencious" man. don't speak that much. I met him for a meeting in Bumerijo. Since, he's always there. His car is a great help. Always ready to give a hand. Always ready to do...
Mas Sugeng. Ex chief of Bumirejo. But still active and respected. I stopped by his house, one day I was coming back to take pictures from the mud flood, in Dec 2010. Since, he involved himself in our action, and he is a real member of the team.
Mbak Mutingah. Mas Sugeng's wife. Since the first distribution of food, she involved herself 100% in the help.
Mbak Siti Maryam. The same. Since the first distribution, she's always there. Shopping, preparing the distribution. Very smilly. Both of them. Their help is great. Her husband also has been helping us. Unfortunately, I don't have picture of him.
Mbak Tami and Mas Subakir. All the stokage and distribution happened in their own house. A wonderful welcome all the time. Tea, coffee, and food were all the time on the table. Lovely people that helped a lot.
Mas Subakir. A very discreet man, but so kind.
It will be not honest without saluting the help and involvement of Mbak Devi, who helped me since the first day. She is the one who made the phone calls to the humanitarian associations (for no result, sadly). She is the one who managed alone with the Bumirejo people the first help from france, in January, as I was in France. She made all the interface between me and the people of Bumirejo. And the people of Bumirejo love her so much. Thank you, Mbak Devi.
And to all the people of Bumirejo; that, in a way or another, helped... They are great people...