Saturday, March 10, 2012

Permohonan Bantuan Pengobatan

I personally know the owner of this message. I know how he is involved in defending the cause of the poor kids of Bali. So there is no doubt for me this is not a kind of scam. I relay the information.
We come knocking on the sincerity of YOUR heart ...

Kadek Adi Suarbawa (11 th), from Pupuan Karyasari, is born in a poor families. His grandparents take care of him, coz his mother already passed away and his father has mental illness.
In Dec '2011, he was hit by bullets from air guns while playing with his cousin.
His first surgery happened on December 5, 2011. But February 11, his wound has serious infections and he has high fever.
On 12th February he entered Tabanan Hospital. 15th and 21st February, Kadek have surgery again, his condition was improving without using infusion and he could walk.
BUT his condition become worst again and from the wound in his stomach come feces. Kadek currently handled by team of doctors and still in the observation. Whether the operation must be done again or not, Kadek Adi Suarbawa really need your helping hand.
This afternoon 09/03/2012 Bali and Bali Photography Business Guide Community have visited him in Sanglah Hospital.
Here is some photo from him.
To donate, you can go through the account: Putu Agus Pranayoga, BCA acc: 6110339524. After transfer please confirm to e-mail:​. contributor's name will be uploaded on the group BBG.

Bahasa Indonesia

Kami mengetuk keikhlasan hati ANDA... Kadek Adi Suarbawa (11 th), asal Desa Karyasari Pupuan, terlahir sbg anak desa dari keluarga tidak mampu. Dirawat dan dibesarkan oleh kakek nekenya. Ibunya sudah meninggal dan ayahnya gangguan jiwa. Pada bulan Des’ 2011, dia terkena peluru dari senapan angin scr tdk sengaja saat bermain dgn sepupunya. Dioperasi di RS Sanglah tgl 5 Des 2011. Pd tgl 11 Feb, luka kadek mengalami infeksi dan badannya demam. Tgl 12 masuk ke RSUD Tabanan. Tgl 15 Feb dan 21 Feb Kadek dioperasi, kondisinya sempat membaik bahkan sempet buka infus dan bisa berjalan. TAPI kondisi nya memburuk dan dari luka di perutnya sampai mengeluarkan (maaf) feses. Saat ini kadek sdh ditangani tim dokter masih di observasi apakah bisa dilakukan operasi kembali. Kadek Adi Suarbawa sangat membutuhkan uluran tangan anda. Tadi siang 09/03/2012 team Bali Business Guide dan Bali Photography Community sudah mengunjungi mereka di Rumah Sakit Sanglah. Berikut photo2 liputannya. Untuk donasi bisa melalui rekening : Agus Putu Pranayoga, BCA acc : 6110339524. Setelah transfer mohon konfirmasi ke email : nama penyumbang akan kami upload di group BBG. Terima kasih

Photo by  Bali Business Guide