Since yesterday 4 Pm, Mount Merapi is erupting again, more powerfully than the previous days.
This time, the eruption projected ashes 4 km up in the sky, carrying far its rain of white and yellow dust.
Until now, it didn't stop, emitting thick smoke of ashes, very loud grumbles mixed with the sound of thunders.
Because for the second day, a hard rain falls on our devastated land, turning the small rivers into furious torrents of yellow mud that erase everything on their way: paddy fields, trees, banks…
The situation of the refugees is not better.
Into improvised shelter, mostly local mosques, but also very fragile tents, they lost nearly everything. For more than a week, they live in the fear of the mountain, still very close, and so not that secure…
I heard that some of the rescue camps have been flooded.
Another misery, on an already long list…
The eruption was visible only this early morning. After, the sky went black and hard rain started to fall...

Then the rush of yellow mud started to devastate the land...
under construction.
under construction.
Bonjour. Très joli travail!
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Bonjour Ju
Désolé de ne répondre que maintenant. L'electricité et internet vienne juste de revenir chez nous.
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