Wednesday, November 24, 2010

Merapi - Apocalypse in Turi - Nov 4Th-5Th

The night of the 4th-5th have been a real nightmare. The whole day before too. One of those day you think God had abandoned you, all dark and rainy.
So when the night came, the feeling was already heavy. And we started to hear Merapi rumbling, louder and louder, until we heard the sound of a huge explosion
Few minutes after, hundred of people were on the road to escape the greatest eruption ever recorded.
A rain of small stone started to fall on the refugees, hurting some...
The day after, Turi looked like a ghost town. It have been 10 days long. Without electricity, telephone or clean water... A real nightmare.


Michel Bastian said...

Encore un belle série sur le désespoir !

Jeffe Castan said...

Yep, On pourrait aussi l'appeler "Guerre et Paix,et comment vivre au milieu" !!!