Thursday, December 9, 2010

Like A Bridge Under Troubled Water

The danger now is coming from the hard rain that falls over Sleman. It creates floods of mud that distroy all the natural rivers, and a lot of bridges, trimming the banks, and threatening the buildings too close.
Those floods of cold lava are able to roll down the rivers big rocks weighing dozens of tones...

I went to the small river of Mbebeng, turned into a dangerous snake.

 Workers collecting rocks from Merapi

Workers resting after collecting the cold lava, in the river

 The banks are seriously distoyed by the flood

 The bridge is a stop for a lot of rocks and piece of concrete that the flood carries

 On the right, a big rock, weighing several tones. In the middle, a probable piece of a bridge.

Two hours after, the hard rain trigged a new big flood, that brought tones of mud, and more huge rocks.

This farm, in the background, will possibly disappear in the next flood.

 banks collapsing, throwing trees in the floods

A crownd of people watching the show.

 The road will need to be free from all the mud and rock, before any car can cross it again.

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